Monday, December 13, 2021

In the dark

So I’m walking around in the dark, flailing my arms like a chicken. I’m at the gym on a Saturday night. It’s only 5:30, but this time of year that means dead of night and there are no lights. I got in with one those fobs, no problem. Now I’m trying not to stumble over kettle balls and dumb bells and negate my modest attempt to stay healthy. I figured the lights would go on with a motion sensor. Makes sense, right?

Wrong. I’m just getting some weak, blue ambience down from distant street lights and through the tinted windows. After a few minutes of this, I decide to workout anyway. I’m here, this is the time, and light shouldn’t matter much to the bone density I want to protect. I change into my shorts. I use the light on my iPhone to find the settings on the machine and put my ear buds in.

Here’s the weird part. I have to take the ear buds out. I can’t sit in the dark AND tune out the world. I can’t listen to a pod cast about grammar. I can’t listen to music. I have to keep the ear buds out because I’m so freaked out working out in the dark. I think now losing one sense does not make the others stronger – it makes you cherish them more. It makes you want to wring more out of them. As we should with just about everything. I listen to my huffing and puffing. It's not pleasant, nor informative.

I did not injure myself attempting to stay healthy. Yeah me.