Wednesday, October 28, 2020

My Cup of Tea

Check out the other Martineck's writing in the Autumn edition of My Cup of Tea.  Nina Martineck's short story "Streetlight" is a quick flash of night in New York, that sadly reminds me of a city more romantic and sparkly, with the kind of prospects one might welcome, as opposed to requiring bed rest or hospitalization.

(Photo note: When the magazine arrived, Nina tossed it down on the table, next to a cup of tea already sitting there, as one always is, and took the shot. No staging.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Loving this article in Strange Horizons. I'm not anti-capitalist, but I'm not blind to its flaws, either. Which is why I wrote The Milkman and its sequel, The Link Boy. Check it out. ""SOMETHING OF FREEDOM IS YET TO COME": THE ENTANGLED HISTORIES OF SCIENCE FICTION AND CAPITALISM" by Olav Rokne, author and co-fonder of the Unofficial Hugo Book Club Blog

I'm also glad there is still some interest out there in economic-based science fiction. I thought I was the only one carrying a sign at my demonstration.