Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Hotdogs, Scotch and the Mona Lisa . . .

For those willing and fearless, go inside the mind of Michael Martineck. This was my first interview in quite some time, so I was a little rusty. Being interesting ain't like riding a bike - supposing I was ever interesting in the first place. Spoiler Alert: I'm not. There is a discussion of wiener classification as it pertains to literary communication paradigms. You won't be getting that anyplace else. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone. Margaritas and tortas are great, but if you really want to celebrate, crack open your copy and read a favorite passage tonight. That's what I'll be doing.

Monday, May 3, 2021

A little reluctant love

Good reviews are like children. You shouldn't have favorites. Still, we can appreciate certain qualities we find special, right? I love this review form Liliyana Shadowlyn because she wasn't sure she was going to like a book with the art world as a backdrop. She tried it, as one might snails or caviar, and found it quite delightful. Which is also kind of a great meta-metaphor for Untouchable. Not everything is as it first appears. Or even second. Check out her reviews here or here. They are the same, but that second one, the Faerie review, is better because Lily thinks the book might be of interest outside the usual mystery-novel community. Me too.